

Something came to and end

A point in my life

It ought to have been

Merely a comma

From here I see a period.


What follows seems

to want to be a sentence

Perhaps even a fresh paragraph

Have I morphed into Act III?


Would the author please

Reveal my plot’s next twist

Been more than enough surprises

Rather no more just yet a for while


Write it slow, write it large

Leave little to imagining

Take out doubt

Write in a little inevitability


I’ve healed m hurt

Put out old fires

Old wounds are healing

Remodeling everything about me


New eyes look bravely out

Now need new inspiration

Shall I have to start

To do again?

I thought I’d memorized the lines

Now someone’s messing with the text

No desire to play at improv

Oh well, here goes, why not?


Realize on writing this

I became complacent

Started counting on a future

No longer living day by day


Backdoor path to humbleness

Dimmed down heart’s cry volume

Death and taxes, nothing else

Get up, get out, live brave


All Writings and Images Copyright © Peter Crowson Updated October 2021